He has to give markets a credible medium term plan, in case events push the targets beyond his reach. 他必须给市场拿出一套可信的中期计划,以防事态发展导致自己无力实现上述目标。
Analysis to the medium and long term plan of DSM in Hebei province 浅析河北省电力需求侧管理中长期规划
They mainly focus on scientific development view, independent innovation strategy, the medium and long term plan of science and technology development and university-industry cooperation policy. 日本学者近期研究评述中国科学和技术政策的视点集中于科学发展观、自主创新战略、中长期科学技术发展规划和官产学合作政策等。
The regional financial center has the all-important effects on the regional economic development. The central government's medium and long term strategic plan for southwest regional economy also requires that there should be a financial center in the southwestern region. 区域性金融中心对地区经济的发展有着至关重要的作用,中央政府对西南区域经济的中长期战略部署,客观上也要求西南五省市具备一个区域性金融中心。
The development of Parochial Science and Technology is the support of economy society development and the base of actualizing the Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Plan of China. 地方科技发展是区域经济社会发展的支撑,是实施国家中长期科技发展规划的基础。
General thoughts of medium and long term plan of health education and health promotion in Shenzhen City 深圳市健康教育与健康促进中长期规划的总体思路
Project Management is a new subject which was developed in medium and later term of the 20th century, it combines plan control theory with management methods. 项目管理是20世纪中后期发展起来的一种计划管理理论和管理方法相结合的新兴学科。
The Medium and Long Term Development Plan of China also gives high priority to medical electronic technology. 我国国家中长期发展规划纲要也对于事关人们健康的医疗电子技术的发展给予高度重视。
The research on the safety of railway transportation is listed as an important domain and priority subject in the Medium and Long Term Plan Compendium of Development of Science and Technology of China ( 2006-2020). 轨道交通运输安全研究已经纳入中国《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006&2020年)》中的重点领域及优先主题。